International Conference on Energy Systems and Technologies

Paper Format Instructions
    Manuscripts should be submitted ready for camera reproduction on high quality white papers A4 size, laser printed or of at least 300 dpi printing resolution. The printed area is 16 cm wide and 24 cm depth, margins are equal left-right, and 2.5 cm top. Maximum 12 pages all included. An electronic version  written in Word 2003 file should also be provided on CD.

Title Page
    Drop 1.5 cm from the top margin and center the manuscript title in the typing area, drop 1 line space and center the author's name(s), drop 1 line space and center the addresses, drop 2 lines space and type abstract, drop 1 line space and type keywords, and drop 2 lines space and begin text.

    Use Times New Roman with the following sizes:
* Manuscript title
* Author names
* Author affiliation
* Others
16 BOLD, all capitals, centred
14 Bold, cap/lowercase, centred
14 italic, cap/lc, centred
12 cap/lc, justified.
    Should be in not more than 100 words. The width of the abstract area is 14 cm, single spaced without paragraphs, centred 11 cap/lc.

    Justify to the left margin of the abstract, type in Bold "Keywords:" followed by 3-5 key words separated by ",". all in italic, 11 cap/lc.

    1st level headings should be centred, preceded by 2 lines space, and followed by 1 line space. Other headings centered preceded and followed by 1 line space.
* 1st level heading, use
* 2nd level heading
* 3rd level heading
BOLD, all caps
Bold, cap/lc
Italic, cap/lc.

    Type in the whole printable area, with paragraphs having the 1st line intended 5 spaces. The typing should be single spaced with an extra half space above a line containing superscripts, and below a line containing subscripts.

Tables, Figures, and Drawings
    These should be embedded in the text, close to where they are first cited, centred. Table labelling (number and title) is centred above the table with the word "Table"  and the number followed by "." typed in Bold, the title in cap/lc. Use font 11 for text and labels. The same holds for figure and drawing captions, centred below the illustration.

    Should be centred with a line space above and below. Place each equation on a separate line, number them sequentially in Arabic numerals in "( )" placed flush with  the right-hand margin.

Symbols and Acronyms
    Use internationally accepted symbols and unit abbreviations. Use the International System of Units (SI).

    If used, classify the heading as 1st level, and position at the text end before the reference section.

    Should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals placed in "[]".  Give the complete list at the end of the manuscript with the heading classified as 1st level. The list should have the form:
[1] Author,A.B., Title of Book, Cairo: University Press, 1952, ch 7, pp 23-26.
[2] Author,C.D., Journal 10, 6-22(1973).
[3] Author,E.F., Author,G.H.,and Author,I.J., "Title of paper", presented at the Alpha Beta Gamma Conference on Radiation, City, Country, Jan. 18-19, 1982.
[4] Author,K.L., "Title of paper", in Proceedings of the Conference on..., City, Country, March 12-17, 2003, pp 1-12.

Last updated: 7 Dec. 2014